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25jul2023 sengkang east way food delivery cyclist hit by mini at pedestrian crossing
Near-Miss Between Vehicle and Cyclist
25Jul2023 AYE#SJT5779E toyota vios coming to a complete stop on the expressway
7jul2023 #SMF2931P audi a3 speeding to overtake at discretionary right turn junction & hit cyclist
3aug2023 jurong east st 31 Certis officer hit kerb & skidded
24jul2023 Bukit Timah Road j accident btw #SBK113B mercedes c180 & motorcyclist
31jul2023 kallang road cyclist without helmet fail to conform to red light signal.
25jul2023 buangkok#SLS279X renualt megan fail to conform to red light signal & hit #pma
23apr2023 pie #PC588R nissan urvan private bus rear unable to stop in time & ended camcar
24jul2023 aye motorcyclist rear ended vehicle on lane 1 while lane splitting
At thief stole a tablet at an eatery at Bedok
23jul2023 petron taman pelangi driver of phv #SKV6666H honda hrv misuse of lost youtrip debit card